Are you experiencing anxiety?
Anxiety is commonly caused by stress, fear, worry and panic, triggering a feeling of overwhelm and depression.
Is your mind filled with constant noise? Are you forever thinking about worries and concerns, that may be real or imagined?
Do you find yourself avoiding situations and places to reduce these feelings?
Anxiety often presents as a tightness in the chest, obsessive thinking and rapid breathing, making you feel tense and uptight.
Experiencing anxiety can be debilitating and cause you to stop functioning in society, including going to work and having good relationships with partners and others.
If this sounds like you, the AnxietyClear® Program can help.
2 Hours Initial Session, Costs $260
What is anxiety?
Anxiety is the release of five neurotransmitters from the brain when you feel under threat. These chemicals prepare the body for fight, flight and freeze, a natural response to being under attack.
In our modern world, this reaction can become stuck “on”, causing us to have an irrational response to people, places and things. This response can be constantly triggered by perceived threats that no longer require the same intensity, leaving us stuck feeling anxious.
Anxiety can present as physical, psychological and in behavioural forms.
What types of anxiety are there?
There are many types of anxiety, some of the most common are:
- Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is when people feel anxious and worried most of the time, leaving them feeling overwhelmed and fearful about everyday events.Worries tend to be persistent, intense and can relate to minor things such as attending an appointment. People often feel something terrible is about to happen.
- Social Phobia happens when people feel overwhelmed with anxious feelings when around other people. They may feel what they say and do is being judged and believe they are not able to communicate effectively for fear of getting it wrong.Often people will avoid situations that bring them into groups of people, such as shopping and parties. They become isolated which creates more anxious thinking.
- Specific Phobia can occur when we experience an exaggerated negative feeling or fear of something. It can include people, places and things. It is not always rational and the event that created the fear is not always obvious. It is an exaggerated response to a perceived threat to life.
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is anxious thinking that creates an incessant urge to perform a behaviour to reduce the distress. People can often create shameful feelings around their behaviour and can suffer greatly before they seek help.
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) occurs after a perceived threat to your life or the life of others. This threat may have been witnessed or experienced. People suffer with intense fear, often reliving the event and being trapped in it.Symptoms of PTSD include stress and tension, avoiding reminders of the event, and feeling emotionally numb.
- Panic Attacks can be disabling and debilitating. These present as an overwhelming and unpredictable feeling of fear which may cause people to avoid environments and situations for fear of triggering another episode.People may respond irrationally and may collapse and be paralysed or not recall the incident. Panic attacks may be confused with other health issues.
How can anxiety be resolved?
Often people have been told that anxiety is just something they’ll have to live with or take medication for. In my experience, helping hundreds of clients, this is simply not the case.
We can change when we decide to, it just takes a little time, some new tools, and most importantly commitment. Thankfully, it’s often easier than you might think.
Retraining the brain is a little like learning to tie your shoelaces for the first time. In the beginning, it takes some effort, you have to concentrate, then you get better and better at it. When you have someone showing you how it is even easier.
As human beings, we require repetition to learn many things, changing your thinking uses the same process. Through repeating new behaviours, we build new patterns and habits. This is made easy during the therapy and then small changes are suggested for your daily life. This will assist you to create real and permanent change in your life.
What support is available?
Through working with clients I’ve developed a comprehensive program, called AnxietyClear®, which can reduce and resolve all types of anxiety.
The program is six weeks in duration, which is the ideal amount of time to help you learn new techniques and to implement them into your daily life. By eliminating the original fear with AnxietyClear® you will be anxiety-free forever.
How does it work?
Through the AnxietyClear® Program you’ll learn how to master your thinking by a gentle process that removes negative experiences. Then by repetitively revisiting new neural pathways, or thoughts that benefit you, change happens quickly.
You can expect to have more choices, respond or not to respond to situations that once triggered you.
Success is achieved by practising new thinking and eliminating old patterns.
The AnxietyClear® Program is purposefully designed to help you achieve change rapidly in the first few sessions, and within the subsequent sessions, you are supported to continue that change in all areas of life. This helps you to remain feeling confident and moving towards your personal outcome.
Short therapies can often leave you returning to old patterns.
Through the AnxietyClear® Program, you’ll have time to decide a new destination for your future and break the journey down into achievable steps. By approaching change in this way, you can achieve amazing results and stay changed.
What is included in the AnxietyClear program?
The AnxietyClear® Program includes six sessions, usually delivered across six weeks.
Prior to your first session, you’ll fill in a detailed questionnaire which provides me with a summary of your history and current challenges. This can be emailed back to me or returned at the initial appointment.
The first session is for two hours. During this time I will begin to understand what has been happening for you that has created the anxious feelings. We will discuss the therapies and then establish a personalised plan to achieve your desired outcome.
Subsequent sessions are around 90 minutes each (usually the same time each week for five weeks)
Each session is tailored to suit your unique situation and history, and will depend on your progress, however, will always include therapy and discussion time.
Throughout the program, you’ll also receive additional resources to support your progress.
Most clients begin to experience a more confident and happy life after the fourth session. The final two sessions help embed the new behavioural and thinking habits into place.
It’s important to know that the AnxietyClear® Program allows you to let go of the fear without being re-traumatised or having to relive the original situation in any way.
The sessions are held at my counselling rooms in Darlington Western Australia during office hours and on Saturdays, by appointment.
Ready to Begin?
Our first step will be to schedule your first appointment (two-hours) and arrange for the payment of $250, which covers this session. You can also get contact me and I’ll be in touch very soon. I look forward to hearing from you and helping you resolve your anxiety once and for all. You can pay via my online booking system using a credit card or PayPal, or arrange to pay by direct deposit or cash at your session.
Initial Session
The initial session for the AnxietyClear® Program is 2 hours duration, allowing time to create the appropriate solutions. During this time we will discuss the optimum program for you. Generally 6 sessions will be effective to release you from anxiety, provide you with resources and support materials.
2 Hour Initial Session
Cost $260
Subsequent Session
At your initial session the program options will be discussed with so you can decide what will suit you best. Alternatively you are welcome to book a Free call with Karen.
Client Reviews
No negative thoughts or intimidation
Sue C, Western Australia
Skeptical and distrusting in the beginning
H. Brown, Western Australia
Everyday life gets better and better
Its been around about 5 weeks since I last seen you and every day gets better and better, I love it no more thinking and going over and over things all the time, life is good.
Thanks again I would recommend anyone out there to go and see Karen, she will change your life forever ????????????????
Andy, Western Australia
Remove anxiety and overthinking from my day to day life
She was welcoming and helpful and after each hypnosis session I instantly felt relaxed and calm. I am so happy with the results and how fast they worked after only a couple of session. I feel much more myself and in control of my life again!
Monica E, Western Australia

About Karen Easter
- B.A. (Soc Sc)
- Dip Clinical Hypnotherapy (NSW)
- CHt. Practitioner NLP (NSW)
- Master Practitioner, Human Neuro Linguistic Psychology
- Advanced Dipl. Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP & Psychotherapy
If you have any questions about the program, check out our Frequently Asked Questions or simply Book a complimentary 30 minute session with Karen or Contact Us.